BLOG POST 6: Skin: Psoriasis, Eczema, Hives, Acne: What you must do to resolve these health conditions to reveal CLEAR, SMOOTH skin.

Posted Posted in Building Health, Health, Natural Health

MYTH: Skin conditions can only be fixed with topical creams, steroids, or prescriptions.  THE TRUTH: These are all usually secondary conditions to a systemic problem.   Which means they are symptoms of an underlying cause. Find the cause, resolve it and that is when the symptoms can truly be reversed.  Simply said, adopt the TRIPLE F […]

Blog Post 8: Turmeric. Keep it fresh for supreme detox, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Posted Posted in Building Health, Health, Natural Health

Turmeric needs to be of a supreme quality. So many people have said to me that they have tried turmeric as a detox or anti-inflammatory but “it didn’t work” or they didn’t notice much difference. Well that certainly can be the case. Here’s why… Turmeric contains natural oils which will become rancid quite quickly, meaning if […]

BLOG POST 7 – Salt. Good or Bad? And why knowing the differences is crucial to your health.

Posted Posted in Building Health, Health, Myth Busters, Natural Health

MYTH: Salt is bad for you. THE TRUTH: Table salt is horrible…. highly heated and processed it has no nutritional value and the chemical components can raise blood pressure, cause fluid retention and generally lead to poor health. But don’t let this confuse you.. A good, pure solar dried salt is capable of providing a pure gastrointestinal cleanse […]

Blog Post 5- Food Allergies, what you NEED to know and the FIVE things YOU can do to change your life

Posted Posted in Building Health

MYTH: When suffering with FOOD ALLERGIES you will FOREVER AND ALWAYS need to avoid the allergen in question. THE TRUTH:  Allergies are a secondary condition to a systemic issue. Find the root causes, get to work on addressing them and watch the beauty of the body’s healing mechanisms spring into action! Food allergies are not […]

Blog Post 4-Seasonal Allergies/Hay fever and the TRUE SOLUTIONS to relieve pain and discomfort for life.

Posted Posted in Building Health

MYTH: Seasonal allergies such as hay fever, as well as sinus problems  and asthma can only be managed with anti-histamines, inhalers and prescriptions. The Truth: If you want to merely band-aid the symptoms then the above might do that. But if you want to ERADICATE, ELIMINATE and REVERSE the problem then READ ON. Here are […]

BLOG POST 2-Myth Busters: Indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux

Posted Posted in Building Health

MYTH:  Indigestion, Heartburn or acid reflux is caused by too much acid in the gut. THE TRUTH:  It is actually an acid deficiency – specifically HCL – hydrochloric acid. That’s right. Hard to absorb? (no pun intended) The True reason behind that uncomfortable, painful, burning sensation you have been experiencing is that the body should be producing hydrochloric […]