Mythbusters, True Health Philosophies, Mental Heath and Emotional Rescue… are just some of the subjects we cover and offer fresh insights into, in this new series of BLOG POSTS.

The information you learn right here might, quite frankly, surprise you and even challenge you to look at your health a little differently, and in some cases, turn a belief upside down and inside out!

With that said, we invite you to join us on a journey of True Health Discoveries!

Let’s start with a health condition, that millions of people suffer with every day, across the globe:

INDIGESTION. Or you might know it as HEARTBURN or ACID REFLUX.

Question.: What do most people take when they have it?

Answer: An anti-acid tablet of course.

Sound about right?

Well, get comfy, as we are about to smash that theory right out of the park!

Oh and keep scrolling for more BLOGS…

MYTH: Heartburn, Indigestion or acid reflux is caused by too much acid in the gut.

THE TRUTH:  It is actually an acid deficiency – specifically HCL – hydrochloric acid. So why take an anti-acid if that is the case???? WHY INDEED. READ THIS BLOG POST FOR the vital information you NEED to know.

True Health Philosophies. Do you want to elevate your health to new levels? Read this BLOG POST to learn what STRESS actually does to your body and the EIGHT health protocols you should know if you want to live your best life!

MYTH: Seasonal allergies such as Hay fever can only be managed with anti-histamines, inhalers and prescriptions.

The Truth: If you want to merely band-aid the symptoms then the above is the way to go. But if you actually want to ERADICATE, ELIMINATE and REVERSE the problem then READ this BLOG POST for some solid gold life-changing information.

MYTH: When suffering with FOOD ALLERGIES you will FOREVER AND ALWAYS need to avoid the allergen in question.

THE TRUTH: Allergies are most often a secondary condition to a systemic issue. Find the root causes, get to work on addressing them and watch the beauty of the body’s healing mechanisms spring into action! For all the fascinating insights READ THIS BLOG

MYTH:  Skin rashes such as psoriasis or hives, can only be fixed with steroids, prescriptions and topical creams?

THE TRUTH: These too are usually secondary conditions to a systemic problem.  Which means they are symptoms of an underlying cause. Find the problem, resolve it and that is when the symptoms can truly be eliminated. Read THIS BLOG for all the details.

MYTH: Salt is bad for you                                                                                             

THE TRUTH: Table salt is horrible for you it’s true! But your body needs salt to live: Just make sure you choose the right one-

Want to know  more…  Read our BLOG POST HERE 

Turmeric. It’s full of natural oils so keep it FRESH for supreme detox and anti-inflammatory properties.


Turmeric: I’ll take it fresh please!


~ MYTH BUSTERS: PMS, Periods and Menopause. Do you really need to suffer?

~ MYTH BUSTERS: Arthritis. “It’s just something you must put up with when you get older.” Is that so?

~ MYTH BUSTERS: Headaches and Migraines. Fed up with taking pain killers? Well here’s the truth.

~ MYTH BUSTERS. Erectile Dysfunction. What you might not know but really should!!


~ MENTAL HEALTH: THE THREE-TIERED EFFECTS. Let’s address them…1,2,3.