Building Health

BLOG POST – Myth Busters:Arthritis

1. MYTH:  Arthritis is just part of aging. There is nothing you can do about it!

THE TRUTH:  Our bodies were built to be physically active  for 100+ years if we look after them. Injuries, stress and  poor nutrition are the biggest culprits. Keeping our body’s chemistry in balance is key and YOU can do that! Arthritis is often caused by crystalline deposits or minerals building up in the joints. You can help prevent arthritis by following these simple steps. And if you have it? Read on for valuable information to help you better manage it.

Understanding why this is happening to you and how to correct it is the secret to regaining health.

  • Are you acidic or alkaline? What does that even mean?
  • Are you eating mineral rich rood? More importantly – are you absorbing those precious minerals and trace minerals?
  • Arthritis can be caused by minerals which instead of being driven into the bone matrix where they belong they float around in the blood, and eventually can be dumped in the joints forming the crystalline deposits known as arthritis.
  • WHY?… Because your body is out of balance. Your equilibrium needs to be reset.
  • Do you have the TWO important co-factors necessary for complete mineral absorption?
  • Learn to “spring clean,” and BUILD HEALTH.

Read the HIGHLIGHTS from our new APP: Destress2Digest coming soon!   In the meantime…

HARD FACT number 1:

Digestion has to be working well in order to absorb minerals. We need saliva and urine pH * to be in the good zone. Click HERE to buy ph papers. Click on Test kits and buy the strips. THIS LINK will get you your DISCOUNT… for pH papers and all the water filters you see advertised on this website.

HARD FACT number 2:

Kidneys and parathyroids work together as a team and need to be strong and healthy in order to metabolise minerals.

HARD FACT number 3:

Ensure you have the two essential co-factors that must be in place to help move the minerals

into the bone where they need to be:-

1. HCL

2. Vitamin D3

The science behind it:

When we measure our pH properly we can monitor the overall health of our various organs, glands and tissues. We don’t need to have blood work done every time we want to check though. A simple test with litmus or pH paper can tell us.

Blood ph is around 7.365.

OPTIMUM Saliva pH: 6-2 7.6

OPTIMUM Urine: 6.4 -7.00

Being too acidic(below 6.0) can mean we are more open to infections. Inflammation which loves an acidic environment is a pre-cursor to disease. We also do not want to be too alkaline either, which can lead to alkalosis, which is problematic for the kidneys and other systems in the body.

when your body is in balance, the minerals are naturally moved from blood to bones and the excess excreted out of the body.

When the kidneys and parathyroid glands are unable to metabolise the minerals due to any number of things: diet, lack of electrolytes, dehydration, stress, unbalanced pH, infection… the body will naturally try to reset equilibrium, and will dump the minerals wherever they can…

This is the interesting part… If unable to excrete out: the minerals, may well be dumped in various places such as:

The foot: as a bunion

The eye: can cause glaucoma

The heart: builds into plaque

The joints: fingers, toes, hips, knees, spine – that’s arthritis


BUILDING HEALTH – check pH, clean up digestion, healthy kidneys and parathyroids are crucial steps to stop, manage and even reverse arthritis.     

Want to know more? Download our APP : De-Stress2Digest

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