Case Study

Case study:

Recently a mother brought her one year old in to see me.  His back was covered with large sores, which were itchy and causing pain and discomfort to the poor little chap. After conducting a health history of the toddler and his mother, I found that he was deficient in the trace minerals found in things like: solar dried sea salt, green leafy veggies, grass fed butter, sea vegetables such as chlorella and kelp, wild caught fish, avocados and veggie or bone broths.  He needed something gentle to help detox the liver, and flood the body with those vital trace minerals. So I suggested some dietary changes and just two basic supplements. What were they?  TURMERIC and  a good SALT. The sores cleared up in a few days! Click on the links above to read our BLOG POSTS

* See below for recommended products.

A regular question I hear is this. “Why would such a young child be suffering with these problems?”

Babies absorb their nutrients through the placenta in the womb of course. So they benefit from all the good nutrients we eat, but unfortunately they can also pick up some of the toxins that may have built up over a long time, from the mother or/and father. Those toxins can include chemicals from the water, air, and those in our food from pesticides etc. Alcohol and the use of prescription drugs such as antibiotics all contribute to toxic build up.

A child this young responds well to minerals. Vitamin D3 would be something else I would check for.

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**  If you take any prescription medications  PLEASE check with your doctor before taking turmeric. Do not use turmeric if you have gallstones or a bile duct obstruction. Turmeric is also a blood thinner, so if you are on blood thinners, turmeric would be a contraindication as it could actually slow blood clotting. Know that it could increase the risk of bruising and bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.