Blog Post 4-Seasonal Allergies/Hay fever and the TRUE SOLUTIONS to relieve pain and discomfort for life.

Posted Posted in Building Health

MYTH: Seasonal allergies such as hay fever, as well as sinus problems  and asthma can only be managed with anti-histamines, inhalers and prescriptions.

The Truth: If you want to merely band-aid the symptoms then the above might do that. But if you want to ERADICATE, ELIMINATE and REVERSE the problem then READ ON.

Here are some facts on Hay fever as reported by Cytoplan:

  • The UK has one of the highest rates of hay fever in the world, with statistics showing that between 10-15% of children and 26% of adults in the UK suffer
  • Climate change, pollution, nutrient deficiencies, urbanisation and stress have all been linked to rising figures
  • The medical term for hay fever is ‘allergic rhinitis’ and is caused by our immune system mounting an attack to airborne pollens from plants, trees, and grass
  • This excessive reaction causes the immune system to produce the antibody ‘IgE’ (immunoglobulin E). IgE binds to white blood cells, and this causes the release of the chemical histamine
  • Symptoms include Itchy eyes/throat, sneezing, blocked/runny nose, watering, red eye headaches, blocked sinuses, shortness of breath, tiredness

Sooooo – Why so some suffer with hay fever, and sinus problems and others can literally bathe in pollen and be fine?

Well it most likely comes down to one or more of the following three things:

1. A detox elimination problem

2. Gut issues

3. STRESS. Keep in mind when thinking about stress levels, it doesn’t always correlate with HOW much stress you have, but more importantly HOW YOU MANAGE that stress. More on that  HERE

Can you see why just taking an anti-histamine alone will not FIX the problem?

As we explain in the True Health Philosophies, health is multi-faceted: Physical, nutritional, chemical, emotional and spiritual.

First and foremost we must DE-STRESS.

The body will always have a hard time absorbing nutrients and achieving optimum health if we don’t deal with and learn how to manage our EMOTIONS and STRESS.  CLICK HERE  to learn more.

Secondly, we need to make sure the detox organs are functioning well and are adequately supported.

Thirdly, we must repair and heal our digestive issues. Why? Because DIGESTION is the foundation of health. All this is explained in the De-stress 2 Digest system

But for now, it is important that you learn how to remove TOXINS.

A sluggish digestion is often an indicator of too many toxins. Any of the following symptoms may  relate:

Bloating, uncomfortable gas, burping, pains in abdomen, IBS, constipation, diarrhoea/diarrhea, sinus problems. There could be breathing issues, skin rashes, headaches, fatigue.

So what to do? Here are some key points that we address in the True Health protocols and  the De-stress 2 Digest System.

  • Eliminating processed food, hydrogenated oils and focusing instead on eating a whole food diet, incorporating as many organic veggies and fruits as possible is key. But you already know that right? Support the gut with probiotics and vitamin A.*
  • Nourish your body with the right foods and drink plenty of clean water to keep digestion healthy. 
  • Take the guess work out of supplements and ensuring you are just taking ones that ACTUALLY work and you REALLY need. **
  • Support the immune system with lashings of antioxidants. We need vitamin A,* Vitamin C and D3, quercetin, Beta Glucan 1,3, 16.
  • We need plenty of essential fats and Selenium.
  • Clean up and support the liver, and target the blood to remove blood stasis (thick blood) which indicates toxins. *
  • Detoxify chemicals, heavy metals, viruses and infections that can cause a burden on your tissues and organ systems. *
  • Address STRESS and emotional blockages. That’s right.  Learn more? Click HERE 

* Vitamin A should not be taken in pregnancy or by smokers.

The product below is a great one-stop product as it really does contain the key ingredients needed to support your immune system and bring much needed relief in the dreaded hay fever season. Don’t let hay fever ruin your day, week or summer.

We’ve got this!


** When ordering from CYTOPLAN, you first need to set up an account. Use THIS link to take advantage of your FIRST-TIME WELCOME SAVINGS! And at check input this  DISCOUNT CODE  and continue to receive discounts automatically on any future supplement orders!**

To order, click below:

Aller-G Formula **

60 vegans capsules £25.70


There are other products I would recommend for  detoxifying the liver such as the ones below. There may be gut issues as everyone is different, so CONTACT ME  with your questions.


Milk Thistle **

60 vegan capsules £13.90

Click HERE to copy and paste  your DISCOUNT CODE at checkout



Cytoprotect Liver **

60 vegan capsules £14.60

Click HERE to copy and paste your DISCOUNT CODE at checkout

You must open an account with Cytoplan first, before purchasing products. But don’t forget to use THIS link to do so and to take advantage of your FIRST-TIME WELCOME SAVINGS!

**Remember, when taking supplements always check with your doctor or trusted health care provider first, especially if you are on any medications, to ensure there are no contraindications.

BLOG POST 3 – True Health Philosophy

Posted Posted in Building Health

Our job as nutritionists is to educate people on how to take care of themselves… that might be on which foods to eat, and what to avoid, how to deal with and reduce the stress we often choose to ignore or bury deep inside. 

In Western medicine doctors look at the body as being purely physical and may treat symptoms and disease with the two main tools at their disposal – surgery and drugs. For any acute conditions, those modalities are often absolutely necessary and life-saving. And for those reasons conventional medicine is indispensable and second to none.

But the problem is, many of the daily health issues we deal with aren’t acute, they are chronic; building up slowly over time. Examples being sleep issues, energy levels, headaches, digestive issues such as bloating or constipation, allergies, rashes, diabetes, arthritis, inflammation, hormonal disruptors, stress, mood, depression… the list goes on.  And honestly, there isn’t a pill out there that alone will solve a chronic issue.

Why is that?

Drugs often band aid symptoms, and occasionally that is exactly what we need. If you have an important event to attend, or you just need to get through the day, but have a nasty bout of hay fever or a debilitating migraine, then implementing a quick fix will bring much needed relief.

But if the same problem keeps rearing its ugly head, a plan of action is what you need. And we have just that! Hunt for the root causes and eliminate them for good!

So whatever the health issues are, we show you how to dig in, clean up and ultimately BUILD HEALTH.

We know it is important it to eat a healthy diet, exercise and hydrate, all part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Testing for nutritional deficiencies, checking for infections, cleansing toxins, balancing hormones are  important. However, if you feel you are doing everything right –  but you’re not as healthy as you think you should be, something else is going on.

The culprit may well be a virus, a metabolic dysfunction or something missing in your diet, it’s true. But just as likely there is STRESS to deal with and EMOTIONAL ISSUES to address.

STRESS is the modern-day enemy to True Health because:

  • Stress burns through minerals and nutrients.
  • Stress suppresses immune function.
  • Stress strips you of your energy reserves, drains your vitality.
  • Stress leads to an outpouring of the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol.

Left unchecked it can cause a whole miserable range of problems from anxiety, hopelessness, depression, insulin resistance, weight gain, and excess inflammation – a precursor for disease.

You may well be eating the healthiest food but literally starving your cells! Sounds crazy right?

But if you are crumbling under stress or just simply having a bad day then your body most likely ISN’T absorbing those vital nutrients.

Stress can diminish everything good that you do. This is so important to grasp, because your worries, fears, insecurities, anxiety and any negative emotions –  if ignored or worse – buried, will weaken your resolve and your immune system.  Stress can damage your cells, blocking your body’s ability to absorb the ‘good stuff,’ to function properly and to heal.

There’s no point eating an antioxidant rich meal, taking a bunch of supplements, but then getting stressed out at work, taking care of the family by yourself and slumping exhausted into bed before starting all over again the next morning. If this is the case a plan of action is most definitely needed.

The True Health protocols are unique because they first teach you how to dissolve the impact stress has on you, and to manage emotional issues effectively before moving on to the other components of good healing.

Here are EIGHT protocols we expand on in the De-Stress APP that are important for optimum health:

  1.  MONITOR your pH
  2.  REDUCE Inflammation…  either from an injury or a systemic issue? Know the difference.
  3.  ABSORB. Are you ACTUALLY getting THE MINERALS  you need? But more importantly are you absorbing them and other crucial nutrients?
  4.  CLEAN UP time using Anti-Microbial products if needed.
  5.  ADD INS: Does your body need enzymes, HCL, CoQ10, a multi or Immune support?
  6.  HEAL THYSELF: Physically and Emotionally: a) Gut Repair for smooth digestion.  b) Gentle measures to clear emotional blockages and elevate wellbeing.
  7. REINOCULATE – Probiotic foods and/or supplements.
  8.  BOOST immune system

If this seems like a whole new way of looking at things and you want to better understand it all, then  good! Let’s consider this…

It’s true that we are physical beings – we strive to be strong, fit and healthy. But we are so much more than just physical. We are made of many layers: nutritional, emotional, relational, chemical, hormonal, sexual, spiritual, and it is important to address each of those layers to be truly healthy and happy 🙂

So we look at the health issues, gather the symptoms as information, and work on addressing the underlying causes or the “roots” that may have contributed to weakening our health.

Our protocols take you by the hand through every step, showing you how to be a Master of your Health instead of being a Victim to stress.

I invite you to stop running around in circles trying different things that haven’t STUCK.

Whether you are sick, feel lost and frustrated by treatment that isn’t working for you, or you just want a SOLID BLUE PRINT that will hand you effective health strategies, crammed with fresh new insights and answers, then you are in the right place.  Our protocols will  guide you seamlessly through the ESSENTIAL steps to elevate your health to new heights, the honest way.


Check out the Highlights from our new APP: De-Stress2 Digest.

Look out for our BLOG on Emotional Rescue.