BLOG POST 7 – Salt. Good or Bad? And why knowing the differences is crucial to your health.

Posted Posted in Building Health, Health, Myth Busters, Natural Health

MYTHSalt is bad for you.

THE TRUTHTable salt is horrible…. highly heated and processed it has no nutritional value and the chemical components can raise blood pressure, cause fluid retention and generally lead to poor health. But don’t let this confuse you.. A good, pure solar dried salt is capable of providing a pure gastrointestinal cleanse and can even serve as a natural, gentle laxative.  That’s right. The best part is – as it gets to work cleaning up your organs, it spreads vital trace minerals  through your body. And you desperately need those crucial minerals to survive and thrive… 

The minerally rich soil that past generations were lucky enough to take for granted has sadly become a thing of the past. Bad farming practices, heavy chemicals and pesticides have stripped our soil of those essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium that should be in abundance in our fruits and veggies. 

Also absent are vital micronutrients called Trace minerals,  only needed in small amounts but nature’s catalysts crucial in activating the enzymes necessary for all metabolic processes of life: Zinc, manganese, chromium, cobalt, selenium, iron, iodine and copper are crucial to improve brain and nerve function, promote cellular energy metabolism, support bones and muscles, cardiovascular health  and maintain a healthy electrolyte balance.

Case study:

One of my clients brought her one year old to see me and showed me his back. It was covered with large sores, which were itchy and causing pain and discomfort to the poor little chap. After conducting a health history of the toddler and his mother, I found that he was deficient in the trace minerals found in solar dried sea salt, green leafy veggies, grass fed butter, sea vegetables such as chlorella and kelp, wild caught fish, avocados and veggie or bone broths.  He needed something gentle to help detox the liver, and then flood the body with those vital trace minerals. So I suggested some dietary changes, but most importantly turmeric and a good salt. The sores cleared up in a few days!

A regular question I hear is “why would such a young child be suffering with this?”

Babies absorb their nutrients through the placenta in the womb of course. So they benefit from all the good nutrients we eat, but unfortunately they can also pick up some of the toxins that may have built up over a long time, from the mother or/and father. Those toxins can include chemicals from the water, air, and those in our food from pesticides etc. Alcohol and the use of prescription drugs such as antibiotics all contribute to toxic build up of course.

Here’s one I like. The salt is moist due to the natural brine.

Go to  to find out more and see their whole range of products.

You can also buy it HERE




If in the USA:  This product from Premier Research Labs is second to none.

Premium Blend of Unrefined Sea Salts with Hawaiian Volcanic Clay

Features two premium, untreated, unheated, solar-dried sea salts

  • Pure Australian sea salt and pink Alaea Hawaiian sea salt
  • Supplies critical trace elements*
  • No “anti-clumping” agents as commonly added to regular table salt

You will need to have an account with Premier Research Labs  to buy products. To do so, click HERE

To BUY this amazing salt click HERE


BLOG POST 6: Skin: Psoriasis, Eczema, Hives, Acne: What you must do to resolve these health conditions to reveal CLEAR, SMOOTH skin.

Posted Posted in Building Health, Health, Natural Health

MYTH: Skin conditions can only be fixed with topical creams, steroids, or prescriptions. 

THE TRUTH: These are all usually secondary conditions to a systemic problem.  

Which means they are symptoms of an underlying cause. Find the cause, resolve it and that is when the symptoms can truly be reversed.  Simply said, adopt the TRIPLE F method: 

Find it. Fix it. Forget about it.

Why do some people have asthma, and others don’t? Are we born with the issue or do we contact it later in life?

And why are skin conditions such as eczema, hives, psoriasis or acne so problematic and distressing for some people, yet others have clear healthy skin all their lives?

These are all questions that are a constant source of confusion and frustration for many people.

SKIN issues are health conditions with usually more than one root cause…

  1. There could be a detox elimination problem. This can occur when the body has a hard time clearing out toxins, including chemicals and pesticides in our food, water and even the air. The liver is the major player cleaning waste from the blood. And when it simply can’t keep up with the onslaught, it can dump toxins in other areas… sinuses being one place, the skin being a favourite
  2. Gut issues are likely. Cleaning up digestion is key.
  3.  Inflammation is often a factor.
  4. STRESS is usually involved.

Perhaps you can see why just applying a topical cream or taking a prescription would not  SOLVE the problem.  So remember the TRIPLE F approach: Find it, Fix it, Forget about it!

As we explain in the True Health Philosophies, health is multi-faceted with FIVE levels:

Physical. Nutritional. Chemical. Emotional and Spiritual.

First and foremost we must DE-STRESS. The body will always have a hard time absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxins if we don’t deal with and learn how to manage our EMOTIONS and STRESS.

Stress is the modern-day enemy to True Health because:

  • Stress burns through minerals and nutrients.
  • Stress suppresses immune function.
  • Stress strips you of your energy reserves, drains your vitality.
  • Stress leads to an outpouring of the stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol.

Left unchecked it can cause a whole miserable range of problems from insulin resistance, weight gain, anxiety, hopelessness, depression, and excess inflammation – a precursor for disease.

Secondly, we need to make sure the detox organs are functioning well and are adequately supported. All explained in the De-stress 2 Digest system.

Thirdly, we must repair and heal our digestive issues. Why? Because DIGESTION is the foundation of health.

Let’s use PSORIASIS as an example: It is a condition that is often associated with SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION and STRESS.

Some things to consider:

  1. ADRENAL SUPPORT: Support those extremely important little glands that sit on top of your kidneys. They are your STRESS POWER HOUSES in charge of vital hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.  When you are STRESSED, the poor adrenals are pumping out cortisol at an alarming rate. Read all about FIGHT OR FLIGHT to understand how damaging this can be for the body. Things that you can be doing to help those adrenals include drinking lots of clean water, getting plenty of sleep, making sure you get lots of Vitamin C, magnesium and the GOOD salt. For a reliable product that supports adrenals see below.
  2. DE-STRESS. Yes, you can do lots of extremely beneficial things such as meditation, prayer, yoga, and be outside in nature. These are all fundamentally important to not just your PHYSICAL health but your MENTAL HEALTH.  But there might be deeper things affecting you such as unresolved issues from your past that have to be addressed. Maybe people who need to be forgiven? Learn more HERE
  3. Address and heal GUT ISSUES.

All of this and so much more is covered in the DeStress 2 DIGEST system, coming soon. In the meantime you can always EMAIL me with your questions.

There are products you can be taking to help with stress, gut issues and to boost health. You may need digestive enzymes, HCL, probiotics, adaptogenic herbs etc. But remember, everyone is different, so always check with your health provider first, especially if you are taking any medications as there may be contraindications. Feel free to ask me a question here.

Stress, is a big player, and so is a compromised immune system. Hormonal imbalances, infections, viruses can all play their part of course. But read on…

As mentioned, the liver and other organs in our body are constantly working hard to detox the chemicals and pesticides in our food, water and the air. Dumping them on the skin or in the nasal cavities is the liver’s way of moving them out of the body quickly. All those toxins can cause a stress on the liver. Bacteria, infections, heavy metals etc. can weaken the body’s immune system and damage health at a cellular level.

You simply do not want toxins floating around inside the body.  And yes you can be born with toxins in the body, depending on the health of your parents. Read this case study

If the liver and gallbladder are able to work together efficiently to eliminate the toxins effectively, then the chances of suffering with these health issues  may well be diminished or disappear entirely.

Remove the toxins. 

A sluggish digestion is often an indicator of too many toxins. Any of the following symptoms may relate: Bloating, uncomfortable gas, indigestion, burping, pains in abdomen, constipation, diarrhoea/diarrhea, sinus problems, breathing issues, skin rashes, headaches, fatigue.

So what to do? Here are some key points that we address in the True Health protocols:

  • Eliminating processed food, hydrogenated oils and focusing instead on eating a whole food diet, incorporating as many organic veggies and fruits as possible is key. But you already know that right?
  • Nourish your body with the right foods and essential fatty acids. Drink plenty of clean water to keep digestion healthy. 
  • If you are not having at least one regular bowel movement every day, then we need to work out why. It could be your diet, fibre or water intake. Is it your bile flow? You might benefit from enzymes, HCL, probiotics, or it could just boil down to stress. 
  • Take the guess work out of supplements, ensuring you are just taking ones that ACTUALLY work and you REALLY need. Two companies I use and highly recommend are HERE
  • Learn the quick way to release those enzyme inhibitors that make it hard to digest grains and nuts. Click HERE 
  • Clean up and support the liver, and target the blood to remove blood stasis (thick blood) which indicates toxins. **
  • Detoxify chemicals, heavy metals, viruses and infections that can cause a burden on your tissues and organ systems. Check HERE
  • Address STRESS and emotional blockages. That’s right.  Learn more? Click HERE 
