True Health Philosophy

Our job as nutritionists is to educate people on how to take care of themselves. That might be on which foods to eat, and what to avoid, or how to deal with and reduce the stress we often choose to ignore or bury deep inside. 

In Western medicine, doctors look at the body as being purely physical and may treat symptoms and disease with the two main tools at their disposal – surgery and drugs. For any acute conditions, those modalities are often absolutely necessary and life-saving. And for those reasons conventional medicine is indispensable and second to none.

But the problem is, most of the daily issues we deal with aren’t acute, they are chronic; building up slowly over time. Examples being: Sleep issues, headaches, stomach pain, bloating, allergies, rashes, diabetes, arthritis, digestive issues, hormonal disruptors, stress, depression… the list goes on.  And honestly, there isn’t a pill out there that alone will solve a chronic issue.

Why is that?

Drugs often band aid symptoms, and occasionally that is exactly what you need. For example if you have an important event to attend but have a migraine or hay fever, and are suffering horribly. Implementing a quick fix brings relief of course.

But if the same problem keeps coming back, and if you want to get to the root cause and work on eliminating a health issue for good then you need a plan! And plans we most certainly have here!

Whether you are having problems with sleep, pain, digestion, energy levels, mood, or whatever the issue… we dig in and find the causes, and ultimately clean up and build health!

If I have your attention, you will simply LOVE reading  our BLOG POST: True Health Philosophies

Learn how to dissolve the impact STRESS has on you and dive into the EIGHT vital protocols necessary for OPTIMUM HEALTH.

If you are suffering with health issues, know that  our Destress 2 Digest APP (coming soon) is packed with everything you need to get back on track. Remember, Digestion IS the foundation of health and once digestion is running optimally, you will feel lighter, clearer, more energised, and you will find that any other health issues become easier to address, because everything is ultimately connected.

It’s the simple TRUTH!